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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Why I'll Never Be An Employee Again

Why I Will Never Be An
Employee Again

From the moment I was away of my own consciousness I've always seen the world my way. I believe at the beginning of our lives we always see the world our way whatever it happens to be.
As children we question the norm why is that why is this.. In a way as children we are at our most intelligent. Sure at that age we don't know 20x20 divided by 3 minus 10 x 346. In fact I bet the average adult couldn't tell you that on top of his head. I know I can't I'd have to use a calculator.
No children aren't born smart like that but we're smart at that time to understand the messy lives the adult faces which sacrifices their freedoms. Their freedom to really enjoy their lives.. And their precious time they have in the world...
They sacrifice a lot of their limited time on Earth living a life they don't want to live . Now what exactly do I mean by that.
What I mean is the vast majority of adults use their time working as a employee working a job and with people they don't like. Working that job 5 to 6 days a week anywhere from 8 to 12 even 15 hours a day. Taking an average 1 to 2 months a year on vacation and they do this from the age of 17 sometimes as early as 15 all the way to retirement 50 plus years.. Before they know it their life has passed them by waving at them out the window.. Now what exactly am I talking about lets do a little math..

The average working person works 50 years thats 18148 days of their life working that includes the 2 days off every week. Now when the Working person has his 2 months of vacation a year for 50 years that's 3000 days you get to yourself while 15148 is used at your job that means you only get 15% of your working life to yourself.

Now I'm not saying that everyone hates their jobs some people do enjoy it some people like having the comfort of having a job. However I know there are a lot don't like being employees wish they had time to do something their passionate about something that's productive to them.
So why do they do it? The answer is simple mental conditioning that starts the moment you set foot in school.. Lets go back to the children mentality for a moment.
Just think about this when your a kid your potential is already unlocked. When your a kid your creativity your urge to try new things is already there.. Children live perfectly in the moment. When they finger paint at that moment they are creating masterpiece children are naturally creative and stay in that moment.. When they play with the friends they create worlds of adventure. They could be pirates, Space warriors, Princesses escaping the castle guarded by a dragon..
It's all story telling in the form of playtime it's pure imagination and creativity. So what happens to it the answer is mental conditioning..

As we get older and school begins we are told it's time to leave the inner child behind and the magic fades for example like when we're told Santa and the Easter Bunny aren't real but that's acceptable cause through and parental and schooling conditioning you do need a little of it and that's unavoidable. For example if you learn from your parents to take responsibility for your life thats good conditioning.. And example of bad is if you take bad attributes of your parents that lead to self destructing feelings such as making excuses and blaming others when things don't work out and refusing to see it as a learning from the mistake leading to success in the future..
In other words absorbing too much of that mental conditioning or influence from other people we then begin to base who we are by our environment and said conditioning.

You go to school where they teach you that you must do things their way and if you make a mistake your punished. Exactly like when you make a mistake in your job your fired and because of that mindset we miss out on the most important lesson in life that failure and mistakes are the ultimate guides and teachers that lead to success in the future..
By the end of schooling we then either enter the workforce or University because we're told we can get wealthy by simply working hard or getting all these PHDs and certificates. Most then work a job not realising their wasting all their time and before they know it poof!! lights out over!

Now my childhood I was always creative I loved to draw paint always loved it.. When I went to school I was far from the best student I never saw the point of being there. I did learn some good and useful things.
But when I started getting punished for trying to learn.. In other words from failure and mistakes I decided to keep myself focused on the goals I wanted to achieve. I wanted to create comics so I started story writing whenever I had the chance whenever teachers weren't looking over my shoulders. I would do something productive for me..

I also wanted to Wrestle professionally so I spent every chance working on that getting stronger researching about the profession and how I could get into this. Then I graduated school yes still went through to the end.. and was flipping burgers at Hungry Jacks while every Saturday I went to Pro Wrestling The Sweat Shop and actually achieved my goal of wrestling professionally..

It took years training but I stuck it out and wrestled for 8 years for IPW Australia I did it. Despite all the laughter I use to got from school both students and teachers as well as the doubts they tried to poison me with.. I also continued with my goal of creating comics and to this day I still am..

And how did I do that I used my time in a way that was productive for e not for anyone else not my teachers, parents, or even my boss when I was an employee at hungry jacks.
I had failure after failure but I wasn't afraid I embraced it instead and learned from my failures and mistakes and pushed on in the moment.. Just like the children I use every moment in time productively for me always learning always trying always failing, always succeeding.. Everything I do is productive When I go for walks I'm thinking about what I learnt today and how I can apply it to succeed tomorrow..

Even when I fail I succeed because I'm learning. And if I had stayed an employee I wouldn't have come this far I wouldn't know the beautiful like minded souls I know now. I wouldn't be in a library learning more that will help me succeed in the future I'm reading financial books, online marketing and philosophy..

Why read books even though I'm not in school or uni because every successful person reads. I can't stress that enough..

thanks to this new mentality I now have five year plan to expand my wealth in a way that will ensure I thrive the rest of my days. Should it fail I'll learn from it apply what I learn until I succeed in my goal.. Everyday I take the time celebrate when I accomplish the small goals I accomplish everyday because those goals I accomplish achieve parts of the bigger goal..

Whether I succeed fail or make mistakes I'm accomplishing my goals. And this is all because I've freed myself from school conditioning and the reality of the employee I'm no longer afraid I'm going to be fired or punished in someway if I take risks and make mistakes or fail and go after the things that matter to me..

I challenge you to do the same

This is Ryan Melrose 

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