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Friday, December 13, 2019

What I've Learned Creating Comics My Failures And Success And Life

What I've Learned Creating Comics My Failures And Success And Life

I'll be honest since i was a child was exploring my creativity drawing, writing, No matter what people told me.. In my early childhood life I had trouble interacting with the world around me being born with Aspergers Syndrome and so comics was an escape. My grandfather would buy me Lee Falkes the Phantom comics I always loved the art styles the colors and the speech bubbles. As I got old enough to understand the stories I then got into writing my own stories and drawing my own pucture books.

I was always told I had an imagination.. When I went to school despite what teachers told me and others I stuck with working on my imagination. While. Perhaps I saw what school really was a tool  to train children into becoming employees. Lets say I never understood why children in school are puunished for their mistakes rather than allow them to make the mistakes leanr from it leading to future success. I remember one time in the 6th grade I had this teacher who would when ever we got a wrong answer on a match test he would take us out of the class and make us yell to the top of our lungs the correct answer I got 3 wrong one day I broke down crying.. 

Why's that you ask? Because I use to get 3 out of 10 in math tests and I progressed on my own til I got 7 to 8 out of 10.. So having go through that being humiliated infront of the entire class after making progress with my mathematics was shattering. I felt why am I here doing this If I'm still being punished for making fewer mistakes even though I'm showing progress of improvement. And it was then I decided to focus on what I wanted to do. So I kept drawing creating and writing in class when they put me in Detention I kept doing it. Funny enough I still graduated High School

So What does any of this have to do with me being a comic book creator..
I am now getting to that I went into the wrokforce at 17. I worked in fast food for 8 years on my spare time I'd still draw and create.. but just like School I hated being an employee making someone else money while I got peanuts for my hardwork.. So I then began researching how i could possibly make a living doing this at first I started on Youtube  RyanMelroseComics. It's still there. as I still researched I found a place to self publish my comics as books and I could sell them to people so I began doing that.. I still have that store..

with this store I've had some success and failures aswell.. First I started investing in social media and using that to market problem there was I didn't know how to use it properly and I ended up spamming a fair bit.. Even though that was a failure I kept trying and strategising. I then threw my money in ordering multiple printed copies of my book to try sell them problem there was I ordered too much and only made a couple of sales while I lost money and had way too much stock.. 

Then I found tapas where I post my comics now for free and make money off the ad revenue they generate. and now I'm making a bit of money everyday as well as making extra on sales from the two online comic stores I've got. I then finally left the job I hated To fully pursue my dream. I don't make much mind you But I couldn't be prouder. I am now at the stage where I'm reading books on online markettin and more to make the most of what I'm doing.. And honestly the road ahead will be full of challenges but I am very happy and proud of myself for tryin new things...

My advice for you is don't be afraid to fail or make mistakes in whatever goal you are trying totachieve because its through failures and mistakes we learn and al successful men and women know that 

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