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Monday, June 10, 2019

Comic Art Upadate Chase Hoodlands

Hey guys Welcome to a comic art update

For todays blog I'm writing about my own horror webcomic Chase Hoodlands. As you can see the art style is manga style almost similiar to almost a Dragon Ball Z style. But I thought it was perfect cartoon style to tell this story. Earler in the webcomic I was using a different style but ultimately decided I wasn't happy with that style. The style was using I felt was way to complicated and the characters kept looking different. So I altered the style into a manga style so the look of the comic stays the same and consistent. The first 20 or so pages are done in colour. However from this point on I'm continuing Chase Hoodlands in Black and White I think it looks better like this. Sort of gives it a more sinister and darker look..
This comic is based off a horror story I wrote as a kid back when I use to be bullied in school.

Not a fun time I'll admit even the people who were my friends bullied me to the point I honestly wanted to be alone. You with friends like that who needs enemies. One day it clicked this could be an interesting story and comic. I used the feeling I felt when I was bullied as the key that stated the story and built around it.

I guess in a way I have my school bullies to thank for this story.

The story is about a boy named Chase Hoodlands he's a shy person and a mute with a weird red mark running down the right side of his face. Now being a mute he had to be very trusting by nature which lead to him being bullied and harrassed by the other children. Needless to say the weird mark on his face didn't help matters.
Well one day they took their jokes too far and pursued Chase through an Industrial Construction Site where he dies in a freak accident.
However just prior to his death he shocked everyone when he spoke for the first time Life is temporary.. Death is eternal..

A month later he came back with supernatural powers and a tantrum you won't believe

I hope you guys enjoyed the post and check it out the series here at

New Update coming soon

Thank you for reading this post- Ryan Melrose

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