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Friday, March 31, 2023

When Riley Met Lucy Loud Chapter 10 No Laughing Matter

Chapter 10 No Laughing Matter

Well the day had finally come the day Eiley was warned about April Fools day. Why April Fools day because this was the day Luan goes on her annual prank everyone insight rampage. Will Riley survive his first Loud House April Fools. It's time to find out. This day started out with Riley telling Lucy some of the things he really liked about her. 
"Lucy the one thing I can't resist is the way you laugh."
"Ha      Ha      Ha Ha       Ha Ha Ha   ha"
"Yep that's the one."
"Sigh! you're too sweet.
before it could go any further Lincoln came bursting through the room.

"Why are you two just sitting there it's April fools day and Luan is on the loose she could be any where."
"Well we haven't seen her" Riley explained. Then the creepiest thing happened the Coffin on Lucy's bed began to open inside Luan burst out.

"Well I guess it's my turn to rise Get it hahahaha" Luan puns as she begins pelting them with water balloons.

"INCOMING" Riley shouts as the three of them bolt out the room narrowly escaping Luan dry.

Thanks to Riley's speed he and Lucy got out fine. However at this point no one else was that lucky for the Loud house was a warzone.
Riley, Lucy and Lincoln assess the damage. Lana was clean head to toe trust me a big deal for her. Leni's clothes were replaced with cheap unattractive knock offs. Luna was covered in dough. Lola's doll heads were all switched and her princess car vandalised painted to look like a clown. Riley tries to encourage everyone.

"Come on we can't let her win we should stand up to her and tell her this isn't funny."

"Sigh! Riley we've tried that nothing gets through to her."
"well then I'm going to march up their and tell her to knock it..."
Before Riley could finish his sentence a spring boxing glove hits him in the face and sends him through the front door outside.
"Hey Riley I guess I knocked you off hahaha" Luan said from one of the bedroom windows.

"Sigh Riley are you okay!"
"That's does it gather everyone else this means war!!"
"You sure Riley?"
"Trust me Lucy! Luan has no idea who she's dealing with." Riley said witha sinister grin that made Lucy sigh and blush in a loving way.

Minutes later
"Alright have we all got that" 
The Loud family look motivated at whatever Riley's plan is as they venture back in the house though I'm guessing everything went wrong as Luan is enjoying all the commotion down stairs of her traps being set off watching it off her live feed. 
But wait something is off Luan begins to notice. She began to realise there was something familiar about all this as she hits the pause button and the video pauses. It's not live this is last years pranks.

"No It can't be who did this." Luan says as she realizes another startling discovery wheres Mr Coconuts.

"Pop Quiz hot shot when a madman takes over your day and steals your dummy what do you do" Riley says immitating and revealing Mr Coconuts in his hand and clearly stole that line from the movie Speed.
"I'm going to get you" Luan screams as she chases Riley out the door. Riley is moving weirdly as if he knows exactly Luan's traps are. Yes while Luan watched last years april fools. The Loud family Riley found all the remaining traps. 

As Luan chased Riley only thinking about Mr Coconuts safety she was taking all the practical joke punishment that was meant for everyone else.
By the time it was all done Luan woke up tied and strapped to a chair her whole family surrounding her.
Infront of her Mr coconuts also tied to a chair with two very real looking guns pointed at his head.
Luan was scared.
"Okay Riley you win now please let me and Mr Coconuts go"
"Why would we do that Luan you'll just keep on Practical joking no matter who you hurt in the process."

"Aww come on guys you know i'm just having fun right" Luan defends.

"Does your family looked amuse look at all this damage people could have gotten hurt or worse do you really want that on your conscience." 

"I mean look at Mr Coconuts look where your jokes put him."
"Please don't
"Sigh Riley you're taking this too far."
"Today Luan I want you to look into the eyes of the one that beat you at your own game. Now Mr Coconut pays the Penalty.
"Riley Please don't hurt Mr coconuts" Luan begs.

Even the rest are looking on as if they are trying to tell Riley to stop.

"Hey Luan April fools as Riley hits the trigger button the guns go off sheets of cloth roll out with the word Bang on each side."

With that everyone burst into laughter including luan just as the sunset ending April fools day.

"Hahahaha you really had me going there Riley" 
Then her face gets scary. "finally a worthy opponent I'm a get you next year."

"And I'll be waiting Luan."
"Sigh you made this the best April fools ever."
"Yeah dude thanks to you Riley we got to have fun too" Luna Loud says as she blasts with an electric guitar tune.


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