Stonneville Horror Story Webcomics Ep 1
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Webcomics by Ryan Melrose

Sunday, September 20, 2020
father had just died I thought to myself as I left the funeral. Why would I
think this to myself? I find those who have lost a loved one may understand
there are those moments before a funeral where you think this is all just a
dream. You think “Oh I am going to wake up and he’d still be there in his study
looking at his old Hieroglyphics he discovered during his days as an
archaeologist and professor. As for me I was never interested I had my own
ideas wanting to be a policeman. Looking back now I should have listened to my
father if I had I may have stopped this journey right here and now before I
discovered what it is that I am about to.
is 2002 and my father has been dead a week the funeral was hard to process. A
bunch of people there I never knew people who knew my father professionally.
They had come to pay their respects I could not deny them.
was then approached by an elderly gentleman by the name of Professor Samuel Godwin.
He offered his condolences and asked me of my father’s research they were
discussing it the same day he died. Hard to believe a man screaming in terror
repeating the same gibberish repeatedly before dying of a fatal heart attack
and having a sane conversation with a colleague only hours before. If I did not
know any better, I would have said he was scared to death. Professor Samuel
Godwin asked me if he could have my father’s research. I agreed to let him have
it I had no use for it. I did study Archaeology and Dad often told me about his
research it seemed very dark according to him. It was enough to scare me away
from his line of work.
gods that could destroy civilizations gave me nightmares as a child. In the end
they were just children stories. As I looked through my father’s research I
found that what he was researching was far more terrifying than I thought, for it was more than just a mere discovery it was
connected to my family my Ancestor Jedediah died November 17th 1866
in an insane asylum he too screamed gibberish and died from a fatal heart
I continued going through my Dads papers all I could think was how glad I would
be to get rid of it why would my father research something involving an ancient
relative what was he trying to prove. I then found something, something I have
not seen before an old journal by my Ancestor Jedediah. This Journal had
everything from when he and his wife Elisabeth settled in a Colorado Mining
town in 1862 called Mynaton right between Cheyenne and Arapaho. According to
Jedediah it was quite a wealthy town Gold and Silver were mined everyday there
was plenty of work to go around it was a beautiful community.
you imagine life back then mining for Gold and Silver acquiring real value that
never drops and having fires and camp songs every night with a Beer in your hand.
Would have been a great life unlike the stressful rushed life in the big cities
today working for paper money that loses value every time the governments
decide. As I read further, I found the good times were not to last as Mynaton
was stuck in the crossfire of the Colorado war in 1864 The Cheyenne Nation and
Arapaho Nation were at war.
the most part Mynaton seemed to stay out of the war until the retaliation of
the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864.
early 1865 Mynaton was attacked by allying Native American tribes the men
including Jedediah stayed to defend to buy time for the women and children to
escape. A lot of men died that day it was another massacre. Mynaton had nothing
to do with what happened at Sand Creek but that did not stop the Native American
act out their fury. Of course, did not stop men like Jedediah from fighting for
the place he called home or his pregnant wife. If she had not escaped, I never
would have been born.
I read on Jedediah explained how his fellow countrymen were dying like flies
sure he had the better weaponry, however the Native Americans had the numbers
and a common goal. Soon Jedediah was the last man standing he lured the Native
Americans into the mountain mine where a trap was set should the Mine fall into
the hands of a hostile enemy. As they followed my Ancestor in, Jedediah lit a
fuse blew the whole mine and those Native Americans to kingdom come his words
not mine.
too was trapped but alive. The next thing he remembered was being in a tunnel
with water running along it. The tunnel was not something he or the other towns
people had mined he looked up found a big hole in the ceiling most likely where
he came from he began walking it there seemed to be a faint light source. Not
very bright in the distance but enough that Jedediah could see. He had found
some Hieroglyphics I guess when he was found he had managed to scribble some I
recognised them for my father had photographs of the same Hieroglyphics in his
research. Could it be he went to Mynaton and found that tunnel he never said
had to read on. These are his words.
I walked down this mysterious tunnel, I realized this may have been here for
centuries the texture was smooth crafted by a master craftsman I believe this
will stand until the end of time. Still I feared I should not be there. I felt
fear the darkness around me it is overwhelming I think I would rather be
fighting Indians then have been trapped in that place. After the things I saw
next, I can tell you I was right. Forget what these doctors try to tell me I
saw what I saw down there those moments are as real as my final moments now. I
will not be able to hold back the horror of what I saw much longer now soon it
will overcome me and my life will end. My only hope is that my story will warn
someone before someone else goes looking for it. I kept walking the tunnel the
further I walked it was like a living presence was all around watching me as I
looked around, I was all alone. I cannot tell you how long I was down there
wandering could have been weeks for all I knew.
I heard something a voice at first, I was relieved I thought maybe someone else
was down here they could show me the way home. However, the more I heard the
voice the more it terrified me I couldn’t understand the words “hshstsg
cavalhaha Rawlurah tjeih” It was all I kept hearing “hshtsg cavalhaha Rawlurah
tjeih” Even the voice didn’t sound right it was fowl just like the energy in
the air. I did not want to go on why I went on I cannot say for sure I do not
know if it was by my will or by the will of someone or something else.
then found myself what looked to be another world a dark world beyond the
tunnel a civilization hidden under our world. I could hardly comprehend it I
honestly thought I had died and gone to Hell it was dark and terrifying but
interesting I began moving about the city. The buildings were old like the
Mayan Civilisation but not quite the same. As I ventured further l heard that
same voice again repeating that very same chant.
cavalhaha Rawlurah tjeih”
time it was much louder I looked around my gun drawn I looked up above I could
not see any rock what I saw terrified me more a night sky and a Moon. Am I out
of the cave or have I truly ventured into another world?
that moment I accepted the truth I was going to die in this place there was no
going home. This was the price I would have to pay for the men and women I
killed today. Suited me fine knowing my wife and soon to be born child would
survive. First time I smiled in days I decided to enjoy the moment I sat by
lighted Lamp and smoked my last Cigarettes. Suddenly I was startled by a figure
in the distance it was pitch black and wavy I open fired it looked like the
bullet passed through it. It seemed to fly away into the darkness once it came.
an agonising pain came over me from my ears it was that voice again but louder
could make anyone deaf. I crunched up like a bug and covering my ears as hard
as I could I then came to a terrifying realisation. I could still hear that
voice loud and clear even with the hands covering my ears it was then I
realised that voice was in my mind tormenting me WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME I
I hear a loud screech sound like the ones my mother use to say came from scary monsters
in the stories she used to tell me as a kid. I got to my feet and some sort of
monster was running at me. It had like a bat face long hair a pale human body
it almost glowed in the dark all I could do was shoot at it I fired two shots
and killed the creature. At least I think I did I was running in the other
direction. The place was hard to make out in the darkness even with the torch I
took from what looked to be catacombs.
followed it through there was nowhere else to go I saw what looked to be human
skeletons. Either that or maybe that creature may have been human once this
might be what happens to humans if they are down here too long. I had no time
to question I just kept running hoping to finally reach the end of this
I made it to the other side. I could see more of this world, more of this
Ancient looking city I could see what looked like mountains stretching all over
you cannot see the end. I decided to go for it I would follow the Mountain path
and take my chances out maybe I will find another tunnel leading me home.
walked cautiously but did not see any more creatures. I did not understand this
was the opening I would have thought there would have been creatures lying in
wait. Or maybe the creatures in the city if they were once human like me never
made it this far. This place is like a maze. Still I felt that something was
guiding me to this place guiding me to wherever I am going now. The Higher I
climbed only seeing more mountain and that almost pitch-black sky. I began to
wonder if there was any end to it.
I pushed forward even though I wanted to drop something kept me going. If I only
knew what that something was, I may have turned back and let those humanoid Bat
head creatures eat me alive. For What happened next would change me forever as
I came across a structure at the top of the Mountain It was like an ancient
Shrine I walked through to the outside Balcony.
could not see anything just the moon on a dark sky reflecting above a black
seemingly endless motionless Ocean. I stared out for a while I could not
believe I was trapped in this god forsaken world.
I fell to my knees again that voice that pure evil voice entered my head again
chanting this time saying words I just can’t pronounce.
chtgkay Rawlurah jedjjhtaa” Chtgkay chtgkay Rawlurah jedjjhtaa
I heard this every time faster and faster it was maddening. Then the moon faded
away into darkness like an eye slowly closing. I felt a chill which was weird
cause there was no wind. I saw what seemed to be a storm cloud. I was terrified
it was moving fast and getting bigger the cloud seemed to be touching the water
I could hear what sounded like movement in the water something big huge. As the
cloud got closer, I soon realised this was no cloud it was a monster I saw it’s
legs they were like a Spiders and there were four It had a human like Body and a
Lions mane hair. Its face I was the stuff of nightmares bright leering eyes
huge fangs a Y shaped mark down the left side of the face. I Was frozen stiff
with fear as I stared at this entity of darkness, it stared back at me for what
seemed to be an eternity. Suddenly It came for me charged at me I could not do
anything I could not even scream I was so terrified I blacked out.
I finally came to, I was in a town emergency ward. Apparently, I was found atop
of the rubble closing off the Mine entrance from the explosion I caused.
that you know my tale I must remind you whether your my future descendant or
someone who finds this journal I must ask don’t go looking for that tunnel or
the creature I have come to know as Rawlurah.
closed the Journal I thought the whole thing was completely insane I mean a secret
world hidden beneath a Mining town. However, on some level I believed him and
knowing my father Professor Rodric Hillendale believed him also. I wonder how he
came to possess this Journal a hand me down maybe, or did he find it while
helping Grandma clean out the Attic of their small Cottage home in Carmine
Texas. Most likely the second explanation, I know if Grandma had read
Jedediah’s journal she would have thrown it in the fire saying it was such
filth. It would not surprise me if this is what got my father into my exploration
and Archaeology.
must admit after reading Jedediah’s tale I am almost tempted to go find the
Mynaton Mine myself not only to confirm my Ancestor and my father’s findings so
I could maybe prove they’re not crazy. Afterall if something mysterious caused
the deaths of two of your family members would you not want to know the truth
behind it. Even if it is horrifying.
found myself looking further into my fathers notes I was now curious I found
more writings and scribbles and theories including a sketch he did of the
Gigantic creature. Terrifying just looking at that I could not imagine the
terror of looking at that thing for real. This was the mighty Rawlurah. Even
though just a drawing I could feel the energy my father sketched like a piece
of that terror attached to the drawing feeding some hidden desire to see this
thing for myself not in a drawing or my nightmares.
somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered why my father’s colleagues would be
interested in this. My father was a serious Archaeologist he had uncovered
treasures of Ancient Egypt, helped uncover the wonders of the Mayans he was a well-respected
man of his field.
search for Rawlurah seemed to be nothing more than a family obsession. I would say
that I too am becoming obsessed, well maybe I am. The more I went through my father’s
research the more I realised I have seen most of it while I was still a child.
He must have been young when he went on his journey. I soon uncovered something
my father’s own journal. Perhaps this would tell me what I need to know. Whether or not my father really did venture
into that mine, or whether he found those hieroglyphs somewhere else.
assumption was confirmed as I began reading. His journey began August 12th,
1980 about 6 months before I was born.
Log todays the day I finally begin my search for the old Mynaton Mine, my wife Lu
is worried for me says this could be dangerous no team or special equipment.
But this is something I had to do no fame no fortune no glory. I had study
every ounce of my Great Grandfather Jedediah Hillendale’s Journal since I found
it when I was ten years old all the explorations, the Digs everything I’ve done
until now was in preparation for this journey I always knew I would have to
take. Is it possible I am just blindly listening to the rambles of a dying
maybe, still something deep inside me is telling me there is more to this story
either way I will discover the truth to all this. My great Grandfather died
young insane and alone when he should have been honoured as a hero who saved
his family and possibly has made the most important discovery in history.
will not go like it did when my Great Grandfather found that world, I have had
training in exploration I am armed, I have a Camera and I am not alone. I got a
local of the town with me his name is Edgar McCormick he is an interesting
person doesn’t say much I’m afraid I was surprised when he volunteered to come
with me. I expressed to him there was no money or fame in this, and this could
be extremely dangerous. Still he expressed enthusiasm and joined me. The town
was no longer known as Mynaton it has renamed Stonneville and built into a
suburban town. You’d hardly know it was the same town that’s progress I
suppose. We were put up in a Motel the Mynaton Inn the only building that still
looks like something built from that era. It used to be the Town Hall but has
been renovated into a Motel Quite clever I thought.
to say, I was happy just being here. When nightfall arrived, we headed to what
was named the Stonneville Parklands. Edgar showed me the way to the old Mine
still perfectly preserved. Let me tell you that was a site some of the old
mining equipment still there the Mine still sealed shut. That was a problem I
almost thought my journey had end before it began.
obviously could tell I was a little disappointed for told me to relax there’s
another way in. We moved through some heavy bush until we came at another
tunnel. On the far-left side of the Mountain. As I stared, I couldn’t see
anything but darkness I could already feel something overwhelming like
something was watching me. I looked around and saw no one was around just me
and Edgar. Part of me started to think perhaps this is a bad idea maybe I
should turn back and heed my great Grandfathers warning. I could have turned
back nothing would have stopped me could just tell Edgar we can pick this up in
the morning.
I didn’t say anything as scared as I was going in the urge to venture in was
just too great.
walked in first I hesitated when I heard what sounded to me like chanting it
was too hard to make out all I felt was creeped out and mesmerised. I wanted to
turn back but every time I told my mind to leave my body ventured further in
this tunnel.
Tunnel itself wasn’t special obviously man had dug it perhaps people were
curious about the contents or teenagers trying to find a place to smoke their
Cigarettes in peace. Or perhaps something called them here just like me and my
great Grandfather. With our flashlights out we could see where we were going.
We eventually found some railing tracks we had found the mine. We looked around
for a while trying to find the path to the Ancient tunnel described by
Jedediah. I found an old mining cart that had a Lantern inside lucky I had my
lighter because the Lantern was still in working order. That was good that
meant I could preserve power in the flashlight.
went to tell Edgar; However, I had lost track of him had he wandered off or
chickened out. I wouldn’t blame him if he had chickened out because what was in
this Mine would make any sane person run. So, what does that say about me?
Mine was full of Skeletons quite possibly from the Native Americans attack on
this Mine. I chose to keep moving forward As I moved along the Mining tunnels,
I began hearing that chanting again it wasn’t what my great Grandfather had described
in his journal. No sounded like a bunch of voices chanting the same thing.
decided to follow that sound as it got louder, I knew I was on the right path
somehow some way I knew this would take me where I was going.
they were saying I couldn’t understand it’s no dialect I’ve ever heard.
Eventually I found a big pit and some surrounding Hieroglyphics I took some
pictures quickly I saw some that resembled the ones referenced in Jedediah’s
Journal including one of the Monster he described as Rawlurah. perhaps this really
was the pit that swallowed up Jedediah. I couldn’t see the bottom only
blackness. I just knew in my heart this was the right pit. I could hear the
chanting was coming from down there louder clearer and creepier. Sounded like
an army down there. I placed my camera down and examined the pit closer trying
to make out the words to this chant or incantation.
Cavalhaha Rawlurah tjeih”
I could think about what I was going to do next felt a sudden throbbing pain
across the back of my head and slipped into unconsciousness. In a dark place
like this kind of felt like being consumed.
woke up I’m not sure how long I was out my Watch was gone along with my flashlight
and side arm. As for my camera I left it up there Hopefully they’ll stay
preserved so I can once and for all prove Jedediah was right, that this City
does exist, and so do the monsters that inhabit it. So I soldiered on, not that
I had a choice as I moved along I could tell this was the same Tunnel Jedediah
found himself in the architecture was truly amazing, and the Hieroglyphs honestly
an Archaeologists dream this truly was the discovery of a lifetime, but at the
same time the discovery comes with a terrifying realization.
great grandfather was right he wasn’t insane if the tunnel is real so is the city
and that means so is the monster he saw. I wish I could turn back It was
already too late not even Jedediah could turn back. All I could do was keep
moving forward.
I heard a different voice. A voice more fowl like a demon in one of those
horror movies. This must be the voice Jedediah described the voice of Rawlurah.
cghurliv Rawlurah jinunkik gjkgfs”
also remembered what Jedediah said in his journal that Rawlurah’s voice exists
in the mind. Trying to block out the sound by covering my ears is useless. I thought
I’d be better prepared for it, but I was wrong.
voice of Rawlurah is insane and those words no human could comprehend them.
I came across the end of the Tunnel to the Ancient city it was crazy seeing
this for myself.
Jedediah said was true. I wish at the time I could have enjoyed the
significance of that. However, the overwhelming darkness that feeling of dread
in the air like evil itself came down on me like a ton of bricks.
more I ventured into the city the worse it got. Those creepy mountains that
almost pitch-black sky that moon. Reading a description is nothing compared to the
real experience of being here seeing it for yourself. Suddenly I heard a
screeching noise and was encountered by the creatures that live here the bat
faced humanoids I’m not sure how many of them they were I was terrified beyond
the need of rational thought. The only thing I could think was to tear off a
bit of my shirt sleeve wrap it around a stick lighting it with a city fire. I
waved it around to my surprise I was able to scare most of them off they don’t
like the fire.
last remaining creature I incinerated when the torch set fire to him. It was
almost unbearable to witness and that final agonising scream it gave, like
nails on a chalk board my ears bled. All I could think to do now was keep
moving through the place was like a maze I had no idea where I was going. I
found myself walking down what looked like to be a street surrounded by these
Ancient looking buildings. I wasn’t alone no matter where I went, I felt like I
was being watched the reality was danger could be lurking behind every corner.
I don’t think this is the road Jedediah took, I saw no sign of those Catacombs.
heard a faint sound in the distance the more I moved towards the centre of this
Ancient city the more I realized it was that chanting. I followed it until I
came to a long stretch no more buildings just a long stone floor. I stepped on
it and began walking I was determined to make it through no matter what, to see
this through to the bitter end. What exactly is Rawlurah what is this place?
must have these answers.
floor stretched to another part of the city. I soon saw something closing in
the distance as I walked. The closer I got I realised It was a statue. A statue of something I recognised. A Giant
Monster overlooking a Shrine. The Lion mane hair the four Spider like legs the pitch-black
face with the Y mark the human like body those countless tails.
was mesmerised by the statue of Rawlurah it had some form of writing on the
shrine I can’t make it out. Suddenly something came over me like something took
my mind and I said these words to this day still terrifies me.
devourer of moons the oncoming darkness god of fear. Those mortals he gazes
upon shall be overcome by unspeakable fear and horror for all eternity through
their fear his darkness will spread upon his return the World will be dead.
finally had control of myself again I was terrified I wanted to get out of here
I don’t care how. My wife was right I never should have come I should have
stayed with her. I wasn’t just terrified of this place or of risking the wrath
of Rawlurah. I was afraid I’d never see my beautiful wife ever again and our
soon to be born child and if I weren’t careful, I could doom the Earth and
destroy everything.
was a little dazed from the experience of the Rawlurah translation as I came to,
I suddenly realised I was surrounded by a bunch of people in cloaks. They
grabbed me and moved me up. No matter how much I struggled I couldn’t get free,
but I realised where they were taking me up the mountain to the Shrine. The
same Shrine Jedediah encountered the creature.
dragged me to the centre of the Shrine and forced me to my knees then I
suddenly heard a familiar voice telling them not to be so rough with me.
cloaked man in front of me unveiled his hood. I was shocked it was Edgar. It was
he who knocked me over the head and revealed to me he was the leader of the
Cult of Cavalhaha and I would be the vessel of Rawlurah to cross over to our
world and rise again. First, they would have to cut out my soul for Rawlurah to
claim my vessel as his own.
I could think about was defending my family defending my world Rawlurah would
not have them. I fought back and got free as I did. I felt something come upon
me something trying to stop me. It was Rawlurah himself screaming into my head.
I could barely stand. I was fighting with all my will to resist his but how do
you fight off the will of a god. I saw the dark Ocean. And Suddenly the moon
was engulphed by darkness just like Jedediah described.
was coming. The cult of Cavalhaha were closing in on me. All I could think to
do was climb on the ledge of the Shrine and jump in the Ocean.
I jumped Rawlurah appeared before me like an emerging dark cloud. He gazed upon
me and I screamed. With my last act before I was paralysed by fear I took a
leap of faith off the shrine into the dark Ocean.
entered I tried swimming back to the surface, but I couldn’t I was kept down by
something I felt the life slipping from me in this pitch-black abyss. That was
just fine by me if I died like this Rawlurah couldn’t use my vessel to bring
about everlasting fear to my world.
next thing I knew I woke up outside the mine my camera with me and I got up and
ran. I would return home as fast as I could and spend how many sane moments I
had left with my growing family.
had gazed upon me for a short second so sooner or later I will succumb to the
fear and terror I experienced and suffer the same fate as Jedediah not a
question of if but when. Until then I would live the rest of my life with my
family and be grateful for every moment It’s funny I both wish I heeded great
Grandfathers warning but also glad I could confirm his story.
father Rodric Hillendale did venture there and according to his notes he did venture
into that Mine that much is confirmed. Still no photographs of the creature
itself or the city of Cavalhaha is still not enough to prove the existence of
Rawlurah. This drawing of the beast and the city impressive as it is. It’s
still not proof. According to my father he never told anyone of his research.
So how could an alleged Colleague of his know.
we come to my story my name is Erin Hillendale Professor Rodric Hillendale is
my father this is the story on how I found the last pieces to the Rawlurah
puzzle. As I began the next day the 5th of April 2002 processing everything,
I read in Jedediah’s Journal and my father’s research Journal. I began to
suspect that maybe some of those people at the funeral may not have been who
they had claimed to be. I am a detective I am trained to think and theorize on
suspicious activity. That man at the funeral just reeks of it I decided to make
some calls to make enquiries about the man claiming to be a Professor Samuel
as I suspected there is no such professor with that name. This only left me
with more questions so who was this man? And what was he doing at my father’s
funeral? And what does he want with my father’s research?
this point I couldn’t think too well, so I decided to step out for a snack.
I’ve hardly eaten since the funeral. I went to my favourite burger joint just
down the street a nice fat juicy burger and a thick shake would be just the
thing. As I sat down to enjoy the meal my mind was still racing with thoughts
Rawlurah, the city of Cavalhaha the cult of Cavalhaha how does it all fit.
Those Bat humanoid creatures how do they fit into this.
behaviour of those creatures doesn’t make sense to me they lurk in the city of
Cavalhaha and tend to attack anyone who ventures through it. If they serve
Rawlurah I would think they would leave us alone in hopes we release they’re
dark master. Or maybe it’s something else. I’m afraid I’m going to have to go
down there myself. Both professional and personal reasons.
there is a cult residing at Stonneville Colorado committing illegal activities
like murder or unleashing Armageddon, then it’s my duty as a detective and
officer to put a stop to this.
what am I thinking am I insane if I go down there, I won’t come back, or I’ll
suffer the same fate as my father and Jedediah? I will become infected by the
Rawlurah sickness.
thought of it made me lose my appetite still $30 a burger and thick shake damn
right I finished.
I walk back up the street to my father’s home, I noticed something a 1990 Black
Cadillac parked across the road I saw it there before I left for my meal and
I’m pretty sure It was there before I arrived this morning. I could see two
individuals inside, with the tinted windows I could not make out their
Identities. I decided to test their reactions and moved towards them as I did,
they drove off. I took their number plates. Turns out they were fake no way to
identify the driver.
made me begin to suspect that somehow someway I’ve stumbled onto something big
and dangerous something my father helped cause.
the Cult of Cavalhaha wanted to sacrifice my father, it’s possible they would
come after me. I had made my decision I am putting an end to this one way or
another Rawlurah, The Cult of Cavalhaha I’ll take them all down even If I must
go down with them.
I said those words to myself a thought occurred to me that this really is a
sickness even hearing the legend, the name Rawlurah is enough to draw in the
energy and fear that could bring about his return and the eternity of fear that
will doom humanity and the planet.
truly is The Rawlurah sickness it spreads like a plague everyone who hears
about it wants to seek out its truth. Jedediah kept his journal and was
overcame with fear speaking in Rawlurah’s tongue he may have infected dozens
with that talk. Then my father found the journal and went after the beast. He
told me about it as a bedtime story showed me Hieroglyphs and left me his
research. It didn’t matter if my father had been sacrificed that night, he
encountered Rawlurah.
evil of Rawlurah had begun to spread the moment he let Jedediah and my father go,
and they told their tale. Well not anymore, this tale will never reach another
soul. As I entered my fathers’ home for the final time. I grabbed the emergency
oil can and began dousing everything with Rawlurah’s foul hand print every
message every reference, footnote all of it. My dad and Jedediahs journals all
of it. I set it all to alight and watched it burn not one intact piece of paper.
had considered staying in the house and burn with it, it’s all tainted with
Rawlurah’s presence. Deep down I knew I could not end it that easy not as long
as people could get inside the Mine and become infected by Rawlurah’s will. I
now knew what I had to do, I have to destroy that mine and seal our world from
Rawlurah forever.
left for Stonneville Colorado. I was almost there when I felt something come
over me an evil inhuman voice screaming in my mind causing unbearable pain it
was him. It was Rawlurah his will is stronger than I imagined how much has his
influence spread to think he has a foot in our door. I remember looking at a
cloud I thought looked like Rawlurah’s face. Has his power already begun to affect
me? It was too much I passed out and went off the road nearly took out a young
lady walking on the sidewalk. Luckily no one was hurt myself included.
must have been out of it for hours it was night fall when I came too. I woke up
on a Couch in the home of that lady I almost hit. She drove my car to her home
and kept an eye on me. She was a nice lady and she was beautiful like an Angel
her name was Mary she served me a cup of tea and some dinner. I asked her if I
was close to Stonneville. She told me I was only three miles away and told me I
could resume my journey in the morning. I tried to insist upon leaving but Mary
wouldn’t have it and insisted stay the night and rest.
time seemed to go on forever as I lay on the couch staring at the Ceiling
unable to fall asleep. Focused on the horrors that was just ahead of me. I was
broken out of my thoughts by a sudden beautiful sound. It was Mary playing the
piano. I never heard this melody before, but it was incredibly beautiful. I got
to my feet and found her in an upstairs room playing. She turned to see me and
smiled and invited me to sit with her. I sat there listening to her play what
seemed like an eternity a moment stuck in time. Like a beautiful memory you
play in your head over and over.
felt blessed to be in this moment in time I was bathed in the light the light
of our world. Gave me perspective a reminder to why I can’t allow Rawlurah to
possess this world.
then invited me to play. I was no good sounded like I was thumping the keys then
Mary took my hand and guided me into playing a melody. Her melody as my hand
struck the keys feeling her hand atop of mine how could I not remember the
melody. As she took her hand away, I was playing the melody on my own It was a
truly beautiful experience. She began playing another part that blended with
the melody I was playing perfectly we spent hours playing together.
she gently guided my face to her, and we kissed my first kiss. She whispered
for me to follow her to her bedroom that night for the first time I truly
experienced love to love and to be loved back.
stared at her face for almost an hour after she fell asleep after that it was
time to go. I kissed her on her forehead and left her home. I found some useful
things I could use to build explosives around her Barn. Being a detective,
you’d be surprised what you pick up when arresting psychos.
decided to walk the rest of the way didn’t want to drag too much attention to
myself. I eventually made it to Stonneville and walked through the Parklands
and found the Mine.
need a map had it all up here in my head. Before I entered the Mine, I had one
final look around and thought, deep down I knew this was a suicide mission. I will
enter the mine and blow the entrance permanently trapping myself, The Cult of
Cavalhaha everyone who knows about Rawlurah in here forever. Flashlight and my
service revolver drawn I enter.
my father I always check my corners. The Cult was in there waiting for me as I
suspected. They tried to set an ambush for me, I opened fired and got clear as
they came at me thinking they were luring me to that pit. Wrong I was luring
them I was the bait and they fell for it.
threw a homemade grenade towards the ceiling of the mine it exploded causing a
cave in I buried the fuckers and sealed the Mine off from the world for good.
for me you guessed it, I jumped in the pit the first and last of my family to
go through it conscious. It’s not a hole at all it’s a portal that’s why my dad
and Jedediah survived it was like a step.
ventured through the ancient tunnel, was I fascinated a little, but I was more
focused on my mission. I soon came across the Ancient city of Cavalhaha It’s a
shame mankind will never know it was here. I began to wander into this city it
was truly fascinating seeing all this old architecture. The city of Cavalhaha
was truly a magnificent site to behold. Still too creepy for my taste bet the
Addams family would be right at home here.
soon began hearing what my father described in his journal as the Cult chanting
Cavalhaha Rawlurah tjei”
soon heard that terrible screeching roar it was those batty ghoul creatures. I
pointed my gun at them and opened fire I emptied all my clips on them. I began
to run and found cover in a nearby tunnel. I kept quiet I didn’t want to be
I’d wait it out until the Batghouls went home. I soon found something on the
wall of this tunnel something that puts everything together the last piece of
the puzzle. A Hieroglyph that tells the story of this city. Someone wanted to
tell me what happened to this city.
I examined, I couldn’t believe the story it told Cavalhaha was a human city. It
was beautiful and prosperous a gem in the galaxy. This literally is another
world another planet hidden in the shadow of ours. One day a meteorite had hit
it landed right in the Ocean. The Meteorite contained something a dark cloud
had emerged from the meteorite blanketing the whole world. The people of this
city were terrified as the cloud got bigger. Then the moon was devoured and
Rawlurah appeared and this world was thrown into an era of eternal fear, And
the humans changed into those creatures the Batghouls.
it all made sense They never go to the Ocean cause they’re afraid of Rawlurah.
When they attacked the human trespassers from our world, they weren’t helping
Rawlurah they were trying to stop him.
him from claiming another world
soon continued my journey heading to the Shrine. As I left the tunnel, I
dropped to my knees in agony Rawlurah was attacking my mind again screaming
words no man could comprehend somehow, I know he was angry.
hjgtyreu driedtj driedtj kifradra kifradra Rawlurah pjudjk”
lets spent eternity together you bastard” is all I could think to say to that
son of a bitch.
was hard to keep my eyes open that pain in my head was very intense having
Rawlurah’s voice in it. I felt like my head would burst into flames.
was determined I got to my feet I’m not leaving until I Take out every one of
the Cult of Cavalhaha. You hear me Rawlurah no one will be left to spread your
legend I am the last.
I charged up the stairs to the Shrine atop of the mountains, I saw a man in a
hooded cloak another of the Cult of Cavalhaha.
last you made it” the voice sounded familiar I know I’ve heard it before. “Here
you are Erin, at the moment of truth.” He unveiled his hood to me it was the
man from the funeral the man who claimed to be a Professor Samuel Godwin.
knew it you’re not a professor at all Samuel, or should I call you Edgar McCormick
am I right?”
you the clever one not unlike your father didn’t suspect a thing when I lured
him down here all those years ago, I see you to are a seeker of truth being a
police detective, so tell me do you know the truth?”
know everything Edgar you’re God will destroy our world everything we ever
loved and for what?” I remember Edgar laughing at me like I had just made a
Erin Our lord and Master Rawlurah will destroy our world and in its place will
rise a better one a world where we can live for all eternity. No wars no high
and mighty mortals in political offices who think they’re qualified to rule.
as one of those creatures you mean! I saw the Hieroglyphs in the Catacombs your
God destroyed them Edgar, You’re God invaded this world just like it intends to
invade ours which makes you a traitor.”
charged at Edgar and was ready to attack before I could throw my fist punch
Rawlurah attacked my mind again with his evil voice echoing in my head. What
Edgar said next, I’ll never forget. For it was the last thing anyone would ever
say to me
Lord and Master had been planning this for over a century now ever since your
great great grandfather set eyes on him our world was doomed, you see it never
mattered if you blew up the Mine sealed off the portals kill every single one
of my brothers and sisters of Cavalhaha,” The legend of Rawlurah has been
spread all over.”
that moment more members of the cult appeared at the Shrine surrounding me. Every
one of them unveiling their cloaks. A lot of which I recognised. The bald middle-aged
gentleman was in the newspaper clipping the doctor who declared Jedediah insane.
Another was a well-known Hollywood art director he did a lot of monster and
horror movies, The woman next to him a former news Anchor. Suddenly the
Cavalhaha moon disappeared and the huge cloud. Rawlurah was coming. He glanced
directly at me I couldn’t look away the Cult members were making me stare.
Oh no Oh god I’ve made a terrible mistake. As
I stared into the eyes of a god it was all made clear. There was no way in
stopping this all I’ve done is brought the portal to my world to him. A portal
passed on from DNA from Jedediah all the way down to my father and then me.
Every time we came here, to the city of Cavalhaha we made him stronger. We made
Rawlurah stronger everyone we told spread his legend. Then they spread the
legend until Rawlurah got into the hearts and minds of every living person on
god my family destroyed the world.
Rawlurah the god of fear devourer of moons stared at me I passed out.
I awoke I was back outside the Mine it was dawn I had no idea how long it would
be until Rawlurah crossed over to our world could be any moment so I decided
I’d spend my last moments with Mary the only good thing in my life.
I finally returned to her house, she was outside watering her garden. She
turned and saw me there and ran to me. We held each other and kissed. She
looked at me like she was going to say something then suddenly she started
screaming and I hear what sounded like mass terror in the distance and the
voice of Rawlurah.
cavalhaha Rawlurah tsjei”
wasn’t just in my head it was in every one’s head everyone around the world.
Mary fell to the ground in agonising pain screaming I couldn’t get through to
her. Her neighbours also screaming
sorry Mary I’m so sorry.
that moment, a dark cloud descended upon the Earth covering up the Sun
darkening the world. The cloud touched the ground, giant spider like legs
moving within the Cloud. A lions Mane Pitch black face with Y Shape mark down
the left side of his face. Rawlurah had appeared he has claimed our world.
fear didn’t affect me right away Rawlurah wanted me to suffer made me witness
as Mary screamed herself to death in front of me,
was left to watch the creation of Rawlurah’s new world.
am sorry humanity I am so sorry, my family and I brought this evil here I can
only hope when our lord and master Rawlurah grows tired of our world, the next will
stay away
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