At first when I started drawing this it was meant to be a joke nothing else but then I thought why don't I create something lighter and funny for a change..
Bla-Coon tells the story of 2 unlikely heroes Sheamous the Racoon sage and Becky Stram an over privledged 16 year old girl with a Visa credit card..
When monsters and agents of the Cyniverse invade the Earth Sheamous seeks out the worlds new worthy champion. Selfless compassionate and kind. But he had to choose carefully the first person who makes physical contact with him will be bound to Sheamous until they're death.
As he searches the Mall he found the worthy but before he could make contact Becky Stram fell on the Racoon while arguing over a pair of new shoes she desperately wanted fusing with the racoon she is now Bla-Coon Defender of truth, justice the Earth and the right to go shopping